Custom Airbrush Spray Tans
Great tans don’t happen by chance,
by appointment.
Trust the experts
at Tan Express!
By Appointment Only. Call or Text:
Megan (daytime) at 701.661.0516
Marissa (evenings) at 701.391.3593
What should I do prior to getting a Spray Tan?
For best results, exfoliate your whole body once a day with exfoliating scrub and a loofah sponge. Moisturize 3-5 times daily (apply 2-3 times in a row) with a lotion containing Vitamin E and Aloe (avoid oils) starting one week prior to your spray tan. The more you exfoliate and moisturize your skin before your spray tan, the better the results and the longer your spray tan will last!
*Do not exfoliate or lotion 5 hours prior to getting your spray tan.
* If you plan to get a wax, manicure, or pedicure it is best to do it the day before your spray tan.
When is it best for me to get sprayed?
Plan one or two days before the occasion that you want to look tanned for! If your skin is in great moisturized shape your spray tan should last 5-7 days. A little fading will occur each day. It should fade like a tan from the sun or tanning bed if you continue to moisturize!
What should I wear and do after my Spray Tan?
Wear loose clothing and flip flops. Do not get wet or sweaty for at least 5-7 hours after your spray tan. Do not shower or wash your hands for a minimum of 8 hours after being sprayed. Do not exfoliate your skin until your tan has faded, exfoliating will speed up the fading of your spray tan. Do not wash or put moisturizer on your face until after your first shower.